Saturday, January 30, 2021

Public Speaking

          Public speaking is an art, which can be acquired through practice. Some people do have natural gift of it and some people need proper practice to develop this skill. Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured. In it a single person speaks face-to-face to a group of listeners. The purpose of public speaking is to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Thus, there are few basic elements of public speaking need to remember such as, to whom addressing, what to say, public response, using whatmedium with whateffects, concentrate on the message-not the medium, turn nervousness into positive energy etc. Public speaking is not simply transmitting information or motivating people to act or simply story telling. It is act of skill and strategies, which has power to change the emotions of their listeners. A good speaker has the ability to motivate, influence, and entertain his listeners.


 1. Expository speech :-

          In expository speech speaker spoke on given topic, idea or situation. Speaker put his view on given topic very precisely and explains it clearly to the audience. Speaker maintain his sense of connectedness through out the speech. Here we have an example of speech on Climate Change to spread awareness about Climate Change and its effects among people.

Example: Good morning one and all, 

            Today I'm going to speak on climate change at the occasion of environment day. In next few minutes, let me explain how climate changes and it affects the environment.

           The threat of climate change needs to be taken very seriously. And every common man should aware of this. Climate change has become global problem today. The continuous rise in temperature is the cause of climate change. High temperature is directly affecting our health, so it is very harmful for the mankind. Climate change leads to health issues in people, such as asthma, heart problems, cancer, etc. Mostly, these issues are found in children, women and old-age people. The unexpected climate change leads to high heat waves during summers and lesser cold waves during winters. Climate change is also resulting in frequently extreme droughts, floods, landslides and hurricanes, etc. The day by days the increased air and water pollution through various factories are the major contributor of this destruction. Ultra-violet rays and high temperature increase the ground-level ozone, which may result in serious lungs disorder. Observation says that because of the increase in ocean temperatures, sea levels also increased on a global scale and small ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting fast. Due to climate change, the greenhouse gases are increasing, which locks the heat in the atmosphere.

           Climate change has already started to affect the earth in several ways. So, now climate change has become a matter of deep concern. The authorities are trying hard to reduce the air pollution, but the result is not very satisfying. The time has come to take individual responsibility, in order to save our climate. Use public transport as much as possible, save water, don't throw the waste materials or other garbage into the rivers, avoid plastic bags and cloth, use paper bags. Our practice of these methods, can certainly help to save our climate from changing.

2. Argumentative speech :-

          In argumentative speech, speaker spoke either in favour of or against a given topic. His attempt, is to convince the listeners as per his views on chosen topic. Here is an example of argumentative speech in favour of banning smoking in public places. 

Dear friends,

           I'm here to express my views on banning smoking in public places. I believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places, as it leads to health problems for not only the smoker, but also for people close by. And it medically has proved also. So, I strongly stand with ban side.

          During the past few decades it has come to light that smoking kills. Cities across the nation are taking it upon themselves to address the issue of smoking in public place. And there are several reasons to ban public smoking. Firstly, in common places passive smokers make the choice to breathe in another people's smoke. If it is permitted then, non-smokers shouldn't go into places that allowed it. And if it is banned, the smokers will not smoke there to trouble passive smokers. But it become the matter of freedom of choice. The owners of many bars and pubs opposed it, as smokers are the part of their business. Even though there are some strong reasons to ban it. Firstly, a new study by the University of Minnesota shows that smoking bans in eight Minnesota cities did not have any significant impact on employment in those businesses. Second, it has been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person's health Such as cancers of the lungs, Emphysema, mouth and throat and other sides in the body also. Then he may be smokers or passive smokers. It implies that why to passive smokers suffer for it. People's health is more important. So, it clears that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places. Why to play with the health of thousands of people? This is the fact of smoking; therefore, I appeal to all of you to support the ban of public place smoking for the sake of public health.

3. Welcome speech:-

          Welcome speech, is the speech given by student, teacher, princi pal or a host at any organized function to welcome the respectable chief guest. A good welcome speech can be a best way to start the function. If it is in simple and formal way then it rocks the event. There are some things to remember while drafting a welcome speech. Wel come speech need be shortened. It Start by greeting the audience such as, Good morning ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to our beautiful venue today. End the speech by introducing the next speaker and thanking the audience again for attending. Make sure to establish the right tone, the set time limit, and be clear with your writing purpose. Welcome the function dignitaries followed by order like, Chairperson of event, then chief guest and last another guest. Address the key person by name, so make practice of it properly. And avoid monotonous reading.

          Here, we have a welcome speech for your college's annual valedictory Day function.

Very Good Morning one and all,

          I heartily welcome you all on the behalf of Mahatma Fule Col lege, Nagpur and I am extremely privileged to have the opportunity to address you on the occasion of our college annual valedictory Day function today. It is always an honour to address you people who are the young minds of today and tomorrow's responsible citizens of our beloved nation. So, here I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all respected teachers and the dear parents who are constantly extending their support and love to pupils as well as faculty members of this college. 

          This is a highly important occasion for us, as we are going to part from our college's senior students. Their continuous success in the area of education, always makes us inspire. Now we are going to lose the shadows of such senior fellows. On such heart-breaking moment, I heartily welcome the honorable principal professor S.S. Chaudhari who has kindly consented to preside over event. He is man of virtue, who plays the role of lighthouse to us. I extend professor Chaudhari a hearty welcome.              Today we have a Guest of honour, Mr. Ranjit Salunkhe, on behalf of the College, I cordially and respectfully welcome Mr. Ranjit Salunkhe, who is the educationist and philanthropist. His guidance will help out senior students for their better future after the college. I am especially thankful to him for courteously and gladly accepting our invitation and readily agreed to grace the function the Chief Guest today. Sir, I offer you a hearty welcome.

           I would also like to welcome all the parents who have continu ously supported us in our endeavour to spread the light of true knowledge. Finallyand importantly, let me extend a friendly to welcome all the teachers, staffs and students who are the integral part of this college. I request all for your kind co-operation throughout the programme and making it a grand success.

          Thank You!

4. Introduction to the guest speaker:-

           Introduction of the guest speaker is an important element of the speech. It makes Guest familiar to the audience. Here, we have an example of introduction of a guest speaker. 

Very good morning one and all,

           I heartily welcome you all on the behalf of Shivaji Maharaj College, Pune and I am extremely privileged to have the opportunity to address you on the occasion of inaugural function of our college's Science and Technology Club today. This is a highly important occasion for us, as our college is going to open Science and Technical Club in college premise. It's a golden opportunity for the students who wants to make their career in Science and Technology.

          On such price-less function, I heartily welcome the honorable principal professor D. D. Deshmatre who has kindly consented to preside over event. He is man of virtue, who plays the role of light house to us. I extend professor Chaudhari a hearty welcome and very thankful for the Science and Technical Club in our college. 

           The inaugural function of our college Science and Technology club is a very special event for us. So today we have a very special Guest of honour, who made feel proud to our country in the field of supercomputer technology named Mr. Vijay Bhatkar. He is an eminent Indian computer scientist and educationist from Maharashtra. He is hardly need of introduction. His great innovation made him one of the initiators of the electronics revolutionist in India and an acclaimed global leader in computing. Contribution of Bhatkar sir towards our country is uncountable. Such as, He developed PARAM, an India's first supercomputer in 1991. Based on the PARAM series of supercomputers, built the National Param Supercomputing Facility (NPSF). He established several national institutions, such as-C-DAC-Pune, ER and DC, India's largest center of application-oriented research and devel opment in electronics, Thiruvananthapuram and FIT. His efforts and vision made India an IT superpower. He led several innovations of development - such as GIST multilingual technology covering India's 22 official languages with 10 diverse scripts and India's first fully solid - state colour television, distributed control systems for Indian power plants and process industries, traffic control systems, automation of security systems, defense simulators etc.

          His such huge achievements were rewarded by Padma Shree' a very prestigious award of our country. And there is lots of to say about his devotion in computer technology but there is time limit to me. So, I call upon the stage honorable Padma Shree Vijay Bhatkar.

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